Smart Energy Award
Smart Energy Award programme has been held every year to recognise organisations for their outstanding performance in energy conservation and carbon reduction.
About the award
The Smart Energy Award recognises business customers with outstanding performance on energy and carbon management. As an award winner, you can:
- Receive an award at our annual awards ceremony; and
- Enhance your brand image through media promotion
Award categories
There are 3 award categories you may apply for, and applicants are scored based on the categories they belong to:
- Corporate and Government Bodies
- Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs), and Educational Institutes
Energy Management Award
Key criteria: Energy efficiency and conservation measures and performance
Two gradings:
- Grand Award
- Excellence Award
Innovation Award
Key criteria: Adoption of innovative ideas in energy management
Two gradings:
- Grand Award
- Excellence Award
Carbon Management Award
Key criteria: Efforts in carbon reduction measures and related performance
Two gradings:
- Grand Award
- Excellence Award
In addition, CLP will present Renewable Energy Contribution Award, Joint Energy Saving Award and a newly added Sustainable Vision Award to organizations with long-term planning in energy and carbon reduction.
Sustainable Vision Award
Energy management plans with solid road maps and energy saving goals
You might check the 2022 award programme introduction (PDF) for details.