IOTA is happy to support Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) on Advancing Net Zero Ideas Competition. We encourage you to participate in this competition.

About the Advancing Net Zero Ideas Competition

According to the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC), buildings currently account for 39% of energy-related carbon emissions globally―with operational carbon emissions accounting for 28% while embodied carbon emissions account for the remaining 11%. Urgent and instant action is thus needed to decarbonize the urban environment.

To accelerate the uptake of net zero carbon buildings by 2050, HKGBC is committed to raising awareness and stimulating efforts for the Hong Kong Building and Construction industry to Advancing Net Zero in a high-rise high-density urban context as part of the WorldGBC’s Advancing Net Zero campaign. Hence, HKGBC is hosting an Advancing Net Zero Ideas Competition to generate new ideas and solutions, as well as to improve learning and knowledge sharing in the pursuit of high-density net zero.


The competition’s goal is to generate ideas and solutions, improve learning and knowledge sharing, and push the boundaries in designing future-ready buildings and retrofitting current building stock in order to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

The objectives of the Competition are:

  • To drive professional organizations, technology providers, academia etc. to build up their capacity to support the building sector to advance towards carbon neutrality;
  • To generate new ideas and solutions for the building sector;
  • To accelerate the building sector to adopt and develop low/zero carbon design and technologies; and
  • To stimulate the review of current regulations and code of practices to facilitate the adoption and development of low/zero carbon design and technologies where appropriate.


The winner of each Competition category, namely Future Building and Existing Building, will be awarded a grand prize of HK$300,000 with a plaque and certificate.

A total of HK$600,000 prize money will be shared amongst the remaining eligible shortlisted entries for both categories — FOUR (4) to SIX (6) in total. Each shortlisted entry will also receive a plaque and certificate.

Register linkApply here

Closing date for registration: 7 May 2021

Download the Competition Brief: Advancing Net Zero Ideas Competition Brief (Version 1.1)

Please click HERE for more details.

We are looking forward to see your participation!

Hong Kong Internet of Things Alliance
Co-Defining IoT Economy
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